Performing a Fast Tag

How to Encode an RFID Tag using Fast Tagging

The Fast Tagging functionality allows the user to quickly encode and program an RFID tag to match an existing SKU or product. This is primarily used in use cases where an existing barcode label is already present on a product and we wish to add RFID functionality to the labels. 

This process is intended for users to quickly move between different SKUs and tag them accordingly. If focusing on a singular SKU for a large number of RFID tags, it is highly recommended to use Manual Tagging for improved speed.

Starting a Fast Tag

  1. Open the Ramp Retail App and log in.

  2. Tap the Tagging tile followed by the Fast Tagging tile.

Performing the Fast Tag

Fast tagging requires the RFID handheld reader to scan an existing product barcode to generate the correct RFID EPC number. If a physical barcode does not exist, it is recommended to use Manual Tagging to manually search the product and program it accordingly.

  1. Upon selecting Fast Tagging, the Fast Tagging page will be shown with the barcode and RFID interface ready to begin scanning.

  2. The first part of fast tagging requires the user to scan a barcode. To start a barcode scan, tap the trigger once quickly to enable the barcode scanner. A red light will appear at the front of the device. Aim the red light at the desired barcode. 

  3. Upon a successful barcode scan, the corresponding SKU information will be displayed against the scanned barcode. In addition to this, an audible beep will be heard alongside a visible green indicator to let the user know that the barcode has been scanned correctly.

  4. Once a barcode has successfully been scanned, the RFID handheld is now ready to program the RFID tag. To program the RFID tag, tap the trigger once again quickly to enable the RFID reader. Hold the RFID reader against the RFID tag until it has been programmed.
  5. Upon a successful RFID program, an audible beep will be heard alongside a visible green indicator to let the user know that the RFID tag has been successfully programmed. 

  6. Once the RFID tag has been programmed, the Barcode and RFID fields will reset in preparation for the user to repeat the process for the following barcode.

Error Messages

Throughout the fast tagging process, users may run into issues during the process that may halt or impede the ability to program and encode tags. This section serves to provide an explanation of the error codes present and provide some troubleshooting steps.

Barcode Error Messages

Indicator Error Message Cause Solution
No error message The barcode was successfully scanned.  
Unable to find a matching SKU, please try another barcode
  • The scanned barcode does not match a known SKU.
  • The barcode scanned was not the correct barcode
  • SKU does not exist in Ramp
  • Check that the barcode scanned matches the barcode on the SKU
  • Check that the SKU is present in the Ramp Platform
There was an error trying to read the barcode. Check the barcode and then try again.
  • The user did not aim the barcode scanner at the barcode.
  • The barcode is visually impeded so that the barcode could not be scanned.
  • Aim the barcode scanner at the barcode
  • Ensure that the barcode is clean and not marked which may impede performance.


RFID Error Messages

Indicator Error Message Cause Solution
No error message
  • The RFID tag was successfully programmed.
No tag was detected. Hold the antenna close to the tag when encoding.
  • RFID handheld was too far from the RFID tag to program.
  • RFID tags may be faulty and not responsive to RFID.
  • Move the handheld closer to the RFID tag when programming.
  • Replace faulty RFID tag.
There was an error encoding this tag. Try again.
  • The RFID handheld did not have sufficient time to program the RFID tag. 
  • The RFID tag was moved away from the RFID handheld before programming could be completed.
  • Hold handheld against the RFID tag during programming until a green indicator is shown.
  • Replace faulty RFID tag.

Resetting the Fast Tag

If you have accidentally scanned the wrong barcode and you wish to start again, press the Reset button to clear the scanned barcode field. This field will only be enabled when a barcode is scanned and/or an RFID tag has been programmed.

The application will automatically reset these fields once an RFID tag has been successfully programmed to improve scanning speed between SKUs.

Tagging Settings

There are additional settings that will dictate the behavior of the application when searching for products and tagging products. These a

re as follows:

Add to Stock when Tagging When enabled, all programmed RFID tags will automatically added as stock. 
When disabled, all programmed RFID tags will not be automatically added as stock, but will still be encoded with the SKU information.
Exact Text Match When enabled, requires the scanned barcode text to match exactly to prompt a search result.
When disabled, a scanned barcode will prompt the closest matching result.
Search Barcode Number When enabled, allows users to search for barcode numbers.
Search SKU Number When enabled, allows users to search for SKU numbers.
Search Item Code When enabled, allows users to search for Item Codes.

More Resources

  • Download our quick start guide on Performing a Fast Tag
  • Read our article on Manual Tagging 
  • Watch our quick start video on Performing a Fast Tag