Managing Overages

How to create and add overages to your exported tag data.

The inclusion of overages allows for the addition of extra tags of the same SKU in the exported file. This feature proves beneficial for accounting for tag damage during printing or application to products, as well as for addressing faulty tags. It can be configured to automatically apply when exporting an order or file. The overage amount can either be a percentage of the total number of tags for each SKU in the order or a specific number of extra tags within designated ranges of tag numbers.


  1. Open the Ramp Print application and log in on the device that is connected to the RFID Printer.

  2. Navigate to the Settings Menu located in the top right of the screen.

  3. Navigate to CSV Export Mapping in the settings menu.

  4. Navigate to and Click on Overage Settings in the manage Export Templates page.

  5. Click on Overage type

  6. There are 2 types of overages to select from: Range and Percentage.

    1. Range Overages provide users the capability to define specific ranges of tag quantities, each associated with a predetermined number of additional overage tags.
      1. Select Range under overage type. You will be asked if you want to load the default values.

      2. Clicking Yes will load preset values into the chart to use. Click Save once done.

      3. Clicking No will start will start a blank chart where clicking Add Range will add a row to edit. Start Quantity and End Quantity determine the start and end of the range of tags for which the quantity of additional tags will apply. Extra Quantity is the amount of extra tags that will be added in that range. Click Save once done.

    2. Percentage Overages enable users to specify additional tags based on a percentage of the total number of tags ordered, providing flexibility in managing tag inventory.
      1. Please specify the percentage of the total number of tags that you would like to add as extra tags. Click Save once done.