Printing Items

How to print individual items

Print Item Tags allows the user to print individual items or EPC Numbers that need to be replaced or reprinted. This method replaces the exact tag that is needed rather than creating another EPC Number through printing the same SKU.


  1. Open the Ramp Print application and log in on the device that is connected to the RFID Printer.

  2. Navigate to the Print Items Tags menu.

  3. Start by clicking the search button to bring up all the available tag EPC Numbers to print.

  4. Tools and Buttons
    1. Sorting can be done by clicking the column titles, this will sort the column in ascending order, clicking it again will sort it by decreasing order. Additionally, columns can be rearranged by dragging the titles.
    2. Searching can be done by selecting a category to search by and then entering the value your looking from into the search bar and clicking the search button.
    3. Selecting items can be done by checking the squares in the add column, clicking multiple will select them to either add or remove them to and from the queue.
    4.  Selected items can be added to the list by clicking Add Selected to Job List and all items in the search can be added to the list by clicking Add All to Job List. Once added these items can be removed from the job list by selecting them in the print list and clicking Remove from Job List and all added items can be removed from the job list by clicking Clear Job List
    5. Items in the job list can be printed by clicking the print button (the icon of a printer) located to the right of the search bar.
  5. Select the items you would like to print in the search results.

  6. Click Add Selected to Job List to add the selected items to the list to print.

  7. Once added to the job list, click the print button located to the right of the search bar to print the job list.

  8. A popup will appear, select the template for the tag you're printing and the printer you are printing to and click Next.

  9. Select the properties that you would like to use to populate the dynamic fields in the tag template and click Finish.

  10. The selected items in the job list will be added to the print queue. Click the play button in the print queue to print the tags.

Contact Ramp Support for any assistance necessary.