Uploading a File

How to upload a file using the File Upload function.

The File Upload function allows users to upload files from the user's PC to the Web Portal to transfer data, update data or create data.

Accessing the File Uploader

  1. Open the Ramp Web Platform via https://locafi-retail.com and login using your given credentials.
  2. From the navigation menu, open the Administration group followed by Upload File.

Selecting the File

Before continuing, it is recommend to generate your file as a CSV file.

  1. On the File Upload page, press the Select File button to select a file.
  2. A windows dialogue picker will appear. Navigate to the folder and select the CSV file you intend to upload.
  3. Once selected, you can set the delimiter type based on the file that you've chosen.
    1. Comma: This option is set by default, and is commonly used with CSV files.
    2. Tab: This option is set for tab-delimited files, such as TSV files.
    3. Custom: If the file is set with a custom delimiter, users can select this option and provide the delimiter in the text box.

Selecting a Template

Once a user has selected a file, they also have the option of selecting a upload template, which will load any preconfigured settings as part of the upload operation.

The templates will explained further on in the article, but the templates will be split into 2 categories.

  1. My Templates: These templates are unique to the currently logged on user and can only be seen by them.
  2. Global Templates: These templates are visible to all users.

To select a given template, press Load to load the template and continue with the upload operation.

Otherwise, users can select the New Import button to load a blank template.

These buttons will only be available once a file has been selected.

In both cases, the screen will continue onto the Upload Settings page.

Upload Settings

The upload settings are described as follows:

Setting Options Description
Upload Type Items Selected file targets Items.
SKU Selected file targets SKUs.
Person Selected file targets Persons.
Place Selected file targets Places.
Order Selected file targets Orders.
Upload Operation Create Only (Ignores Duplicates) This operation will only create new records. Any existing records will be ignored.
Create or Update This operation will create new records, and update any existing records.
Update Only (Ignores New) This operation will only update existing records. Any new records on file will be ignored.
Delete This operation will delete any records from the file.
Unique Field Dependent on the Upload Type set This setting will dictate which column will be used as the unique record identifier.


Required Fields

Based on what combination of upload settings are selected, a section of required fields will be shown that will need to be present in the file that are mandatory to be present before the file can be uploaded. 

The override toggle will enable the option to override the existing data for the given property column with whatever value is entered into the given textbox. This is particularly useful when setting a constant property but was not set within the file.

The property boxes will display one of two colours to indicate if it has been correctly set within the file:

  • If the status colour of the relevant property is green, it means that the headings of the selected file correctly match the relevant property.
  • If the status colour of the relevant property is red, it means the column headers do not correctly match the given property.
To address this, users can modify the column headers to correctly match the property and turn the relevant boxes green and ready for upload.

Once all the fields are complete and appear as green, the Upload button will no longer be greyed out and can be pressed to proceed with the upload.

Upload Progress