Importing a Stocktake to Shopify

This guide covers how to export a stocktake from the Ramp Retail Website into the Shopify platform.

Before importing, the stocktake must be done on handheld scanners. Visit Performing a Stocktake for more information on how to do a stocktake with handheld scanners.

Please import stocktake data shortly after performing the stocktake to maintain the accuracy of the data. Performing the stocktake and analysis during trading hours may cause issues with validity of the data, especially if large volumes of stock are moved during a stocktake. 

Exporting the Variance Report

1.   Once a stocktake has been is In Progress or Completed, it will automatically reflect in the stocktake located at Items > Inventory List on the Ramp Web Platform.  

2.   On Inventory List page, simply click on View on the most desired stocktake you wish to import into Shopify.



3.   While viewing the stocktake, navigate to the Reports section and select Variance - External from the dropdown menu.



4.   In the Variance Report menu,  click Export and then For Shopify. This will download a CSV file that will be used in the next section to perform a variance analysis and for the creation of the upload file for Shopify.

Understanding and Updating the Variance Report

This section outlines the steps and instructions for completing the variance analysis and preparing the data for a stock import in Shopify. The file export includes various fields designed for performing the variance analysis and subsequently uploading into Shopify.

Variance Analysis

Columns A to F are reserved for analyzing and verifying the discrepancies and variances that occur between the QOH of Ramp and Shopify's platforms. The columns are explained as follows:

  • SkuName (Column A): The name of the SKU for easy identification. 
  • SkuNumber (Column B): The unique identifier for each SKU.
  • SkuBarcode (Column C): The barcode associated with the SKU. Used as another identifier if the SkuNumber and SkuBarcode are different.
  • Ramp Count (Column D): The current scanned quantity on hand (QOH) that was performed as part of the RFID stocktake. 
  • Shopify Count (Column E): The current quantity on hand (QOH) imported from Shopify. Represents the recorded stock levels before the stocktake.
  • Variance (Column F): The calculated difference between the Ramp Count and the Shopify Count. This column is essential in reviewing for verifying the variances found between the two counts.

Only the values in the Ramp Count column would need to be adjusted. This step is optional as only changes in the Available column will be reflected and used as part of the Shopify import. All other columns should be used for identification and filtering purposes.

Shopify Upload File

Columns G to L are included in the export specifically for preparing the data in a format for upload into Shopify once the variance analysis is completed.

  • Handle (Column G): Shopify's required field for unique product identification.
  • Option1 Value (Column H): This field corresponds to the Option  1 value for the product variation.
  • Option2 Value (Column I): This field corresponds to the Option 2 value for the product variation.
  • Option3 Value (Column J): This field corresponds to the Option 3 value for the product variation. 
  • Location (Column K): This specifies the location of the store that will have the stock adjusted for. 
  • Available (Column L): This column will be populated with the values from the scanned quantity on hand from the RFID stocktake. If any adjustments need to be made to the value, ensure that the adjustments are reflected in the available column.

Only the values in the Available column would need to be adjusted. All other columns are required by Shopify for performing an inventory import.


As part of the variance analysis, there are a few steps that you may want to consider:

  • Investigate any large discrepancies between the Ramp Count and Shopify Count. These may be attributed to either misplaced items, loose swing tags/RFID labels, insufficient RFID scanning or unrecorded sales.
  • Investigate any zero-quantity discrepancies where there was zero stock available, and confirm that the products are present
  • Investigate any zero-quantity scans where there was zero stock scanned, but stock should be available. This may be a result of insufficient scanning, or the tag placement makes it unfavorable for the RFID handheld to scan the label.
  • If a discrepancy is confirmed, adjust the value in the Available column to match the correct stock count value.

Preparing the File for Import into Shopify

Once the variance analysis has been completed and verified, the final step is preparing a file for upload into Shopify. 

Before creating your upload file, ensure that any changes that you made in the Ramp Count columns are mirrored in the Available column as this column will be used as part of the stock adjustment.

To create your upload file:

  1. Open a new excel sheet or CSV file of your choosing.
  2. From the variance analysis sheet, copy columns G - L into the new excel sheet or CSV file. 
  3. Save the file as a CSV file and provide a name for the file if requested.

If done correctly, the file should contain all the correct data necessary to be uploaded into Shopify.

Import Inventory into Shopify

Once the file has been prepared in the correct format, we can import the file into Shopify to overwrite the Available inventory.

  1. In Shopify, navigate to Products > Inventory and click Import in the top right corner to import the CSV file.
  2. An import popup will appear, click 'Add File' to add the csv file.
  3. Navigate to and select the newly created CSV file. Once selected press open to upload the file to Shopify.
  4. Once the file has been uploaded, press 'Upload File' to complete the upload process. 

If any errors or issues occur that cannot be solved, please reach out to the Ramp Support team.